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Help fund our walk and talks in your communities.

​​By partnering with us, we aim to extend our vital walk and talk service to your employees or the communities you represent.


With your help, we can do more to fight the stigma of men's mental health. We can help prevent suicide and get men walking and talking.




Our partnership opportunity provides three key benefits:


1. Employee/Community Wellbeing
Offering your male employees the opportunity to join our walk and talk program will directly improve their mental health, productivity, and job satisfaction. Regular engagement in physical activity and peer support helps reduce stress and fosters a healthier, more connected work environment.
2. Employee/Community Engagement and Retention
Demonstrating a commitment to employee/community mental health shows that your organisation cares about its people beyond just the workplace, leading to stronger employee loyalty and retention.
3. Brand Recognition
The partnership provides an opportunity for your organisation to gainrecognition in the wider community for supporting mental health initiatives. Through co-branded marketing efforts, this partnership will raise awareness and drive engagemen across your internal and external networks.


If you would like to partner us, please contact us today.

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